Evaluate Financial Impact of ICD-10 with New Online Tool



The HIMSS ICD-10 Task Force and Jvion joined forces to develop the ICD-10 Risk Calculator, now part of the ICD-10 PlayBook. This interactive resource is designed to help providers assess and address the financial impact of ICD-10. The tool includes a short survey tailored to different hospital types and clinical settings. Upon completing the survey, respondents receive a detailed risk profile report that includes their individual organization’s risk rating across three financial dimensions: revenues, cash flow, and operational costs. A relative profile is also provided so that respondents can compare their risk ratings to those of their peer group. These risk ratings are accompanied by the specific mitigating actions that a provider can take to help set ICD-10 priorities and facilitate plans that attempt to reach revenue neutrality.
To access the calculator, please click here.
And for more information on the ICD-10 Playbook, please visit here.

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