Diploma in Shared Electronic Health Records and Interoperability in Healthcare


The electronic exchange of information between institutions and organizations linked to the healthcare sector has become a very important issue in recent years.

In Colombia, the technological transformation of the healthcare sector is currently facing four main challenges related to:

-The goal of connectivity between linked institutions in the sector, as set out in the National Plan for Information Technology and Communications.

-The obligatory application of the single electronic health record before the 31st of the December 2013 (LAW 1438 OF 2011)

-The implementation of lines for the development of tele-healthcare (LAW 1419 OF 2010).

-The appearance of new information processing needs.

This course is thus aimed at facing up to challenges of the changing technology in the sector. This requires the formation of interdisciplinary teams able to take a lead in the application of ICT (Information and Communication Technology) to make the use of the Shared Electronic Health Record and exchange of information between healthcare institutions possible.

The diploma is designed for: healthcare sector managers, professionals (doctors, physiotherapists, nurses, dentists, public health officials, etc.) applied software developers, administrators, university teachers, computer engineers, biomedical engineers, electronics engineers, industrial engineers and consultants linked to clinics, hospitals, EPS, ARP; and other people involved who wish to acquire or improve their skills in the use of the Shared Electronic Health Record and Interoperability in Healthcare.

Benefits: At the end of the diploma course, participants will have improved skills in:

-Working with interdisciplinary teams in the design, development and implementation of infostructure and infrastructure.

-Analyzing and designing case studies in the use of interoperability in healthcare services.

-Using HL7 international interoperability standards.

– Coordinating projects related to the integration of clinical and healthcare information.

Academic Course Plan:

-Introduction to Interoperability in Healthcare.

-HL7 International Interoperability Standards.

-Joint design of interoperability solutions.

-Electronic Health Records and Clinical Histories.

-Management of interoperability projects in healthcare.

-A seminar on interoperability as applied to healthcare services.

-A seminar on computer and interoperability platforms and solutions in the health sector.

-A seminar on final projects.

Dates: from the 24th of August to the 3rd of November Study

Time: 100 hours

Timetable: Fridays 5:00PM to 9:00PM – Saturdays 7:00AM to 1:00PM

Place: Venues at the Universidad del Rosario – Quinta Mútis

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