About AGFA s Private Clouds

Imágenes (RIS/PACS)

“The system we’re presenting is the next thing in healthcare technology,” stated Omar Larrosa, services manager at Agfa, referring to the services and products the company released in May this year and promoted at ExpoMedical 2012.

“This system makes it possible for professionals to stay connected. This is the next thing in healthcare technology services,” Omar Larrosa, head of services at Agfa Healthcare Argentina, stated to Ehealth Reporter Latin America after his conference on “Cloud Health: Who’s Who in Virtual Diagnostics” on Wednesday, 26th September at ExpoMedical.

The event, which began at 11AM and ended two and a half hours later, was organized by AGFA, an international company that develops, produces and distributes IT solutions for healthcare and imaging systems. During the conference, the main speaker was accompanied by a representative of EMC and a lawyer who is an expert in legal questions related to IT solutions in healthcare.

 “At Agfa, we provide infrastructure, platforms, software and traditional IT to our customers and also offer private clouds,” explained Larrosa at his presentation, making it clear that the company’s intention is to make all patient information available to view together from anywhere.

“In the region, Agfa provides a healthcare product called XERO. This is a viewer that can be used in any environment without any need for specific software to use it. Furthermore, the company can centralize information in a single data center called the IMPAX data center solution, making it possible to link and store information from every hospital. Finally, it also offers a code tool designed to protect patient information called PIX MANAGER.”

After presenting his most important products, Larrosa examined a real case study which was successfully implemented in May 2012. This was at the brand new Centro de Especialidades Médicas Ambulatorias (Medical Specialty Outpatient Center, CEMA), located in Mar del Plata, Buenos Aires. “There is a bunker there, with doctors monitoring and seeing all the patient information through the same system,” explained Larrosa enthusiastically.   

To finish, the manager stated: “We’re talking about a world where the state of IT and the state of healthcare complement each other,” a phrase that illustrates the important changes the healthcare world is experiencing every day.

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