Pergamino Invests in the Electronic Health Record

Historia clínica electrónica (HCE)


The Office of the Undersecretary of Health team has presented the Electronic Health Record, an initiative that will be implemented at Primary Healthcare Centers for patients in the public system.

“This is a very important day for those of us who work in primary healthcare, we are presenting a project that the Municipality has been working on for several years, the result of a decision taken by Mayor Gutiérrez,” said  Gerardo Monacci, the Undersecretary of Health.

Later on, referring to the project, he added: “This process took a lot of work, effort and dedication on the part of the Municipality. We are very happy at our commitment to implement the electronic health record and we thank the Mayor for the chance to implement this project and congratulate him for having the vision several years ago of being the first Municipality on the provincial level to have an electronic health record for primary care.”

Informatized Monitoring of Pregnant Women and Children

The first phase of the implementation of the Electronic Health Record will be concentrated in the San José Hospital, as this is the center that attends the majority of pregnant women and children in Pergamino.  

“The project we are presenting has changed somewhat compared to the original project and is the result of a long process that was undertaken by local professionals working on the implementation of the program,” said the Municipality’s Undersecretary of Health.

Following a proposal presented by a group of Spanish doctors from Andalusia, who were advising the Municipality, the tool was planned on the local level. To put it into practice, a focus was placed on high risk pregnancies and monitoring of children.

Source: La Opinión 

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