An App To Help Patients Stick to their Treatments for Chronic Diseases

Movilidad (mHealth)

With the aim of creating closer adherence to treatment plans for patients with chronic conditions, the ESTEVE Group has developed a free application for smartphones.

The application is called “experSalud”, and has been approved by the Spanish Society of Family and Community Medicine (SEMFYC) and the Spanish Society of Internal Medicine (SEMI). It has been designed so that users can manage their medicine intake and monitor it in accordance with the recommendations of medical professionals, program reminders, plan, and record their weight, exercise and blood pressure statistics.

In addition, the doctor can access this information in real time, entering an exclusive page for health professionals where they can carry out detailed monitoring of their patients’ treatment.  

Who is it useful for?

expertSalud is ideal for patients with several different medications and chronic diseases because it makes it possible to implement continuous monitoring. Importantly, according to the company’s estimates, 50 per cent of chronic patients do not follow medical instructions.

The application, which is now available at the Google Play and App stores, is multi-use and allows the monitoring of several people from the same device and can record different profiles simultaneously.

Source: Europa Press 

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