The Quintera and La Calera Hospitals Join the Viña del Mar Telemedicine Program


The Adriana Cousiño Hospital in Quintero and the Dr. Mario Sánchez Hospital in La Calera have joined the telemedicine system that provides specialist diagnoses without the need to move patients to other more sophisticated hospitals.

Leonor Arias, the director of the Quintero Hospital, said: “The incorporation of telemedicine is extremely important because it will improve our technology and user satisfaction.”

“This implementation is crucial as it will improve access to specialists and help to focus transfers from low complexity hospitals to more sophisticated ones,” added Claudio Yáñez, director of the La Caldera Hospital.

The telemedicine program, which started in the Viña del Mar Quillota Health Service Hospitals in January 2013, provides live connections between general practitioners and specialists located at the base sophisticated hospital – Dr.Gustavo Fricke or San Martín –who can then provide a remote diagnosis.

The Adriana Cousiño Hospital had already incorporated an electrocardiogram that sends test results to Santiago where a cardiologist can provide a better diagnosis more quickly.

Source: Servicio de Salud Viña del Mar-Quillota

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