With a record of attendees, the HIMSS Colombia digital conference ended today.

The state of digital health in Colombia, the panorama of the industry, the treatment of the pandemic and the innovative future with the startups that presented their proposals within the framework of Health 2.0, were some of the topics that were discussed during the event that took place between May 26 and 27.

Organized by HIMSS Latin America in collaboration with ACESI, ACEMI, UNAD, Clúster Medellín Health City, Bogotá Chamber of Commerce, ANDI and the Cali Chamber of Commerce and the support of the Ministry of Information Technologies and Communications and ProColombia, HIMSS convened more than 1000 people every day in a virtual way, to participate in this event that was carried out in collaboration with the Colombian Association of State Social Enterprises and Public Hospitals-ACESI, Colombian Association of Comprehensive Medicine Companies – ACEMI (Health Insurance Companies, EPS’s ), National Open and Distance University – UNAD, Medellín Health City Cluster (Chamber of Health Companies / Medellín Chamber of Commerce), Bogotá Clusters – Bogotá Chamber of Commerce (Health and Software), Cluster Initiative – Cali Chamber of Commerce, Chamber of Health Sector – ANDI and the support of the Ministry of Information and Communication Technologies – MINTIC and PROCOLOMBIA.

The full coverage and the recording of this important event coming soon at www.ehealthreporter.com !

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