The connected healthcare project in Federal District, which involves the integration of the data and management of medical records for patients from 14 hospitals and 17 laboratories, one UPA (Emergency Unit) and 63 public healthcare centers, using InterSystems – the world’s largest supplier of database and healthcare integration technology – technology has, in 2012, reached its final phase of implementation. It is expected that the project will be finished by next year, when the final execution phase is completed in the last three establishments in the public network, allowing for better administration not only of healthcare, but also the integrated use of analytical information for preventative initiatives within the population. The technology implemented by InterSystems is a portal in which all examinations undergone by citizens at public facilities will be stored along with an electronic health record. Currently, around 2.5 million people have a health record registered in the system which includes the consults and diagnostic testing that has been carried out at healthcare establishments in the network. “With InterSystems technology, healthcare professionals will from now on have access to key information for patient care,” says Fernando Vogt, the director of sales at InterSystems Brazil, adding that “this will provide the doctor with a significant ally when making their diagnosis.” Currently around 14,000 professionals are now registered users of InterSystems connected healthcare technology in Federal District. The project has also provided significant savings for public healthcare in Federal District, resulting in more investment in the population. “When test results are only recorded in physical format, many people end up losing their results and have to repeat tests unnecessarily at a high cost to the whole system. With InterSystems electronic storage technology, we have been able to reduce testing costs by 50%,” says Vogt. With the Portal, the Federal District healthcare system now has InterSystems technology which encourages integrated administration in every healthcare center, hospital, clinic and emergency center on a single platform. With this software, it has been possible, for example, for managers to monitor the number of available beds and those in use, medical supplies, billing, and management of professional personnel, amongst other factors. With the implementation of the system completed in every establishment, the next step in the project will be to carry out an analysis of the consolidated database to develop preventative measures and activities aimed at improving quality of life and health in the local population. This will, for example, make it possible to detect the onset of an epidemic in a region in Brasilia, providing the exact number of people admitted to hospitals, constantly updating this piece of information, nor to warn of a lack of professional experience in certain establishments, among other improvements. “The project in Brasilia is proof that the dream of an integrated and unified healthcare service is possible in Brazil. InterSystems hopes that this will prove to be an example for other regions in the country who are looking at this technology,” Vogt added.
A Major Connected Healthcare Project in Brazil
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