Beyond Recognition: Greater Investment in Nursing Practice, Nurses’ Technological Skills and Inclusion in Healthcare Decision-Making

While the recognition and support to nurses and midwives as they addressed of the pandemic is appreciated, the following, developed by the steering members of the HIMSS Europe Nursing Informatics Community, contains the real needs for nurses identified by nurses as well as strategic actions towards leveraging the pivotal role of nurses and nursing practice.

The pandemic has demonstrated the critical role nurses play in keeping our communities healthy, their tireless work in ensuring the resilience of our health systems, and the price they pay along the way. And although the amount of recognition, gratitude and praise has been undeniably received in abundance, this has not eased the challenges nurses face on a daily basis nor has it paved a better and more supported career path in the future.

Acknowledging the fact that there is a global shortfall of 5,9 million nurses reported in the State of World’s Nursing Report 2020, and the impending reality that this shortfall will widen further in the future, the HIMSS Europe Nursing Informatics Community call for a firm action in supporting the professional and technological development of nurses, and alongside their inclusion in the healthcare management process by attaining leadership positions and compensation packages relative to those of their peers.

HIMSS defines nursing informatics as the specialty that integrates nursing science, computer science and information science to manage and communicate data, information, knowledge and wisdom in nursing practice. It supports consumers, patients, nurses and other providers in their decision-making in all roles and settings. This support is accomplished through the use of information structures, information processes, and information and technology.

Nursing informatics, at its core, takes the clinical and the technical languages of health and translates them into one. It also promotes meaningful, user-friendly and patient-centric innovation while driving improved outcomes for patients and enhanced clinical workflows for healthcare staff.

Nurses will have a major role to play in what comes after COVID-19. Their experience means they have a very powerful and legitimate voice that we must use to influence health systems of the future.
Aligning with WHO/Europe’s advocated efforts, the HIMSS Europe Nursing Informatics Community go beyond with tangible actions:

  1. Ensure minimum wage for nurses and clear salary growth schemes/bonus packages that are comparable with those of peers at the same career levels/departmental roles.
  2. Incorporate nursing informatics courses in nursing degrees and ministries to incorporate bespoke Informatics programmes for nurses.
  3. Influence ministries and all healthcare providers to incorporate the role of chief nursing informatics officer (CNIO) and make a seat in the management board.
  4. Ensure a focus on well-being in the workplace; protect patient-nurse/midwife ratios and cap caseloads at a safe level.

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