Version 3 of the HL7 standard introduces substantial changes compared to previous versions. Not only does it provide new architecture to establish messaging models, it also incorporates a complete methodology to define, develop and implement interoperability frameworks based on messages and documents. In contrast to version 2.X, in which models are difficult to share, the definitions and use of vocabulary tolerate certain ambiguities and the structure of the messages is very much adapted for local requirements; version 3 is constructed according to well-known industry standards such as UML (Unified Modeling Language) and XML (Extensible Markup Language). All of its structural elements arise from a compact nucleus called RIM (Reference Information Model), enormously improving its adaptability and reusability.
The purpose of the course is to get pupils involved in all the key decisions an HL7 interface analyst should make to establish an interoperability framework for healthcare data based on a combination of HL7 V3 messaging and CDA R2 clinical documents.
The content and teaching materials are designed so that students can understand the principal processes associated with the design of a guiding plan for the implementation of an interoperability framework.
When and where: The course will be held between the 9th and 20th of July 2012 at the Hospital Juárez in the Mexican capital, which is lending its facilities for this important event.
Certificate: An attendance and learning certificate will be issued to students with an attendance record higher than 75% of the classes who have taken all the practical course sessions in person or online via C@mpus. The participants who so wish can decide to take the HL7 CDA R2 (Architecture and Clinical Documents) certification exam on the last day of the workshop course. The exam has an additional cost and the students who pass will receive a certificate directly from HL7 International based in Ann Arbor, MI, USA
For further information: [email protected]