The First Diploma in Shared Electronic Health Records and Healthcare Interoperability in Colombia


These challenges have been studied by different organizations such as the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (CEPAL) and are on the agendas of governments and multinationals such as IBM who estimate that by the year 2015, the quantity of healthcare information exchanged electronically across the world will exceed the flow of information from the financial, industrial, business and government sectors.

Together with situations unique to the Colombian context: 1) The target for connectivity proposed for institutions in the healthcare sector included in the National Plan for Information and Communications Technologies; 2) The obligatory application of unique electronic health records before the 31st of December 2013 (Law 1438 of 2011) and 3) The implementation of guidelines for the development of telehealth (Law 1419 of 2010) are just a sample of the required transformation in the healthcare sector and the challenges that face different organizations and actors involved in the system. The Universidad of Rosario in Bogotá D.C. Colombia, aware of these challenges and opportunities for improvement in the healthcare sector, with the support of datasalud informatica SAS, has gathered national and international experts in issues such as interoperability in healthcare, international healthcare standards, electronic health records, and  ICTs in healthcare, amongst others, to offer the first diploma in Shared Electronic Health Records and Interoperability in Healthcare.    

The academic program of the diploma was designed for professionals in different disciplines including: healthcare sector managers, healthcare sector professionals (doctors, physiotherapists, nurses, dentists, public health workers, etc.), applied software developers, administrators, university professors, computer engineers, biomedical engineers, electronics engineers, industrial engineers and consultants linked to clinics, hospitals, EPS, and ARP; among other actors. This diploma was held between August 24th and November 3rd 2012, with a total of 100 class hours and had sixteen (16) participants including doctors, computer engineers, biomedical technicians, ICT technicians and administrators, all of whom had experience in the healthcare sector and belonged to companies such as the Fundación Cardio Infantil, the Instituto del corazón de Bucaramanga, Compensar, Saludcoop, Heon, CLTech, Dinámica Gerencial, Timed S.A, Jaime Torres and Cia, Casallas Ingenieros Asesores SAS, amongst others. Due to the success of the academic program, the Universidad de Rosario will hold new editions of the diploma in 2013. Congratulations go to the first group of healthcare interoperability analysts who received their diploma on the 3rd of November 2012.     Special thanks go to the diploma faculty:  Dra Nathalia Ortega (Colombia).Ing Mario Enrique Cortés (Colombia).Ing. Diego Mauricio López PhD (Colombia).Dr Alonso Verdugo (Colombia).Ing Emilio Alvarado (Colombia).Sr Diego Kaminker (Argentina).Ing Pablo Pazos (Uruguay).Dr Luís Miguel Marquez (México).Dra Selene Indarte (Uruguay).Dr Julio Lorca (España).Dr Daniel Luna (Argentina).Ing Dolores Ojeda Carreño (México). For further information contact the InfoRosario line at 4225321 in Bogotá, 01 8000 511 888 outside Bogotá, the mobile line on 3202306178 or email [email protected][email protected] with your name, I.D. address, telephone number and email. Source:

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