Greater Legal Protections for Medical Records

Historia clínica electrónica (HCE)


The National Registry of Electronic Health Records is a specialized technological infrastructure that will allow patients or their legal representative, as well as healthcare professionals authorized by them, to access the information contained in their electronic health records, to guarantee the quality of care at public, private and mixed health centers and medical services.  

It will be run by the Ministry of Health (Minsa) and contain a database with entries for each person detailing their relationship with the health centers and medical support services that provided the care and created an electronic health record.  

It will also use the State’s Interoperability Platform (PIDE) to access the clinical information requested or authorized by the patient or their legal representative and ensure the continuity of healthcare for the patient via the exchange of clinical information. 

The platform will provide information to the National Healthcare System to help design and apply public policies that facilitate the effective exercise of people’s right to healthcare. Minsa will conduct and regulate the registry’s implementation process according to the annually approved budget in the sections involved, on a case by case basis and without requesting additional funds from the Public Treasury.

This sector and local and regional governments will progressively promote and implement, depending on budget availability, the use of the electronic health record in health centers and medical support services in their jurisdiction. In this context, Minsa and the regional healthcare authorities will authorize the electronic health record systems that are implemented at said establishments and services. 

Those involved in the management of information contained in the National Registry of Electronic Health Records will be held responsible for protecting their confidentiality on pain of civil or penal prosecution, as applicable. 


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