During the Awards for Excellence in Online Government organized by the Ministry of Information and Communications Technologies of Colombia, Peru was recognized in the category “Citizens at the Center” for its Online Medical Appointments application.
The National Office of Electronic and Informatics Government of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers of Peru received the ExcelGel 2013 award for the efficiency and efficacy of its administration of medical appointment booking.
Citas Médicas en Línea (Online Medical Appointments) is a web application that allows healthcare users to book their medical appointments more quickly and efficiently. The objective of the project, which is functioning at eight hospitals and three institutes, is to reduce waiting times and eliminate queuing.
The Peruvian Ministry of Health says that the system optimizes medical schedules, improves the quality of care at establishments and facilitates online rescheduling of appointments.
To join the platform, healthcare centers must meet certain requirements: they must have an internet connection of 2 mbps or faster and a database server and they must update their doctor schedules periodically.
So far the system has been implemented at the following hospitals: María Auxiliadora, San José, Santa Rosa, José Agurto Tello in Chosica, Nacional Docente San Bartolomé, Nacional Hipólito Unanue, Hermilio Valdizán and Vitarte, and at the Maternal-Perinatal-Maternity Institute in Lima, the Nacional de Salud del Niño and the Nacional de Enfermedades Neoplásicas.
How does it work?
Citas Médicas en Línea is a free application that requires a surname and the patient’s national identification number to generate a pre-appointment code. With this code, each healthcare user can make the corresponding payment at the establishment they have chosen.
Source: Ministerio de Salud de Perú