Buenos Aires, Foz de Iguazu, Chihuahua and Las Condes Lead Digitalization in the Continent


After evaluating the information provided by 220 cities from the 16 countries in the region which participated in the study, the group of urban centers which lead efforts at digitalization was announced.

Motorola Solutions, via a study carried out by Convergencia Research, evaluated levels of digitalization in Latin America in 2011. The group of 25 leading Latin American cities is made up of (by country in alphabetical order): In Argentina; Buenos Aires, Marcos Paz, Mercedes and Tigre; in Brazil; Foz do Iguaçu, Itapema, Porto Alegre, São José Dos Campos and São Paulo; in Chile; Las Condes, Peñalolen, Puente Alto and San Bernardo; in Colombia; Bogotá, Bucaramanga, Cartagena de Indias, Medellín and Pereira; in Mexico; Chihuahua, Ciudad de México, Culiacán, Guadalajara, San Nicolás De Los Garza and Tuxtla Gutiérrez; and Los Olivos in Peru.

The study took into account the data provided by municipal governments about different initiatives involving the adoption of information and communication technologies implemented in the area of Public Administration and other key areas of Government. The group of 25 leaders was selected from among the 220 cities registered in the Motorola Ranking of Digital Cities. The survey classified the cities into the categories of Leaders, Advanced, Intermediates and Initiates, according to the information provided.

Characteristics of the Study

• Due to the varied nature of the circumstances and different policies for the incorporation of technology in each of the cities, the decision was taken to highlight the 25 municipalities which are in the vanguard of the adoption of information and communication technologies.

• The study shows that digitalization is not just exclusive to big cities. The group of leading cities includes seven which have a population of over a million, seven at between 500,000 and a million inhabitants, eight at between 100,000 and 500,000 inhabitants and three between 50,000 and 100,000 inhabitants.

• Six countries out of a total 16 are represented by their cities in the group of leaders: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru.

More information is available at: http://ciudadesdigitales.convergencia.com/

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