The Associação Brasileira CIO Saúde (Brazilian Association of Healthcare CIOs, or ABCIS), formed at the end of May and officially presented during the Hospitalar 2012 Fair, arose as a result of the initiative of a group of healthcare CIOs who for the past four years had been meeting every two months in Sao Paolo. Large hospitals in Sao Paolo joined the project and there are now over 200 professionals affiliated with the institution. One of the aims is to encourage the participation of IT professionals throughout Brazil with regional centers being planned for the near future.
The first challenge of the body will arrive in October when the 1st Annual IT Sector Forum will be held, featuring prestigious speakers such as Renata Bushko from MIT who is the President of FHTI: the Future Health Technology Institute
The Association President, David Olivera, emphasized that one of the main objectives of ACBIS is to promote dialogue with professionals in other similar areas such as Purchasing, Infrastructure or Engineering: “We need this dialogue to enrich ourselves and make progress in our work in a more integrated and collaborative manner.”
According to information provided by Oliveira, hospitals currently spend an average of 3% on their budgets on technology and industry in general spends 7%. For this reason, according to the director, the market is promising but there is a long way to go.
The Association’s website is still under construction while the directorial committee is made up of the following professionals:
President David Oliveira, Vice-President Aécio Rocha, Directors Adilson Simplício (Financial Administration), Marcio do Lago (Operations), Heitor F. Garcia (Strategic Planning), Klayton Luis Ferreti Simão (Knowledge and Innovation) and Walmir Batista de Morais (Regions).