November 8, International Day of Radiology

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The American College of Radiology (ACR) and Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) are the proud North American organizers of the first annual International Day of Radiology —
November 8, 2012 — marking the 117th anniversary of the discovery of the X-ray and the tremendous advances in patient care made possible by radiation therapy and medical imaging exams, such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and computed tomography (CT).
More than a century of radiological research has produced great technological leaps, enabled more effective and efficient care, saved countless lives and revolutionized modern medicine:
  • The New England Journal of Medicine named imaging among the top 10 medical advances of the last 1,000 years. 
  • Imaging scans have virtually eliminated exploratory surgeries, reduced unnecessary hospital admissions and often shorten hospital stays
  • According to the National Bureau of Economic Research, access to medical imaging is directly linked to greater life expectancy. Those with greater access to scans live longer than other Americans. 
  • Practicing physicians surveyed in a Health Affairs study ranked CT and MRI as the top recent medical innovations. 
“Deaths from cancer and other serious illnesses and injuries have plummeted in recent years largely due to early diagnosis made possible by imaging exams. Millions of people worldwide are alive, and many more are enjoying a greater quality of life today, because of advances in radiation therapy to treat many of the world’s deadliest cancers. International Day of Radiology recognizes one of the most successful technological and professional advancements in the history of modern health care,” said Paul H. Ellenbogen, M.D., FACR, chair of the American College of Radiology Board of Chancellors.
Recent advances in medical imaging technology, including the advent of virtual colonoscopy (CT colonography), provide people with less invasive alternatives to cancer screening, including for colorectal cancer, one of the leading cancer killers. The breast cancer death rate in the United States has dropped more than 30 percent since mammography use became widespread in 1990. Ongoing radiologic research is working toward similar successes and technological advances to benefit all mankind.
“Medical imaging saves lives, resources and time. Imaging exams generally cost less than the invasive surgeries that they replace and can be used to diagnose illnesses early — when they can be treated most effectively and inexpensively. In fact, the beneficial impact of medical imaging exams on extending patients’ life expectancy is actually greater than the negative impact of obesity or diabetes. November 8 is International Day of Radiology, but radiology and radiologists make a world of difference every day,” said George S. Bisset III, M.D., president of the Radiological Society of North America.

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