12 Questions and Answers to Help Prepare for the Hospital Italiano Conference


1.  What is the objective of this event?

Fernán González Bernaldo de Quirós: To provide a space where we can share experiences and reflect on and exchange information about the role of Information Technology Systems across the globe but with a focus on the Region of Latin America.

2. What will we see that’s new this year compared to previous years?

Damian Borbolla: This year we will have more internationally renowned speakers from overseas and the panels especially will be able to share more experience of computerization in the region; there will even be a table representing the National Ministry of Health to discuss advances in Argentina. 

3. Who will find this an event they won’t want to miss out on?

Analía Baum: Anyone working in or with ties to the field of healthcare and who wants to understand the complexity of the world of information technology systems in this area.  

4. What will be the main themes of the debates and presentations?

Daniel Luna: The truth is that there will be a great diversity of themes, from global issues to specific subjects related to everyday practice. Visitors will need to look at the program in detail to find the subjects that interest them the most and focus on those.

5.  If I’m not an academic, will there also be events for me?

Fernando Plazzotta: Yes, there are many experiences in the region that will help anyone working on the path to computerization of healthcare information systems.

6.  What can I see if I visit in person?

Paula Otero: Everyone will be able to listen to the conference, either virtually or in person, but the latter option provides the chance to create new ties and opportunities for exchange beyond the presentations. During coffee breaks and lunch information will continue to be exchanged. Furthermore, those who don’t know the hospital and want to see how its information systems work, can visit the different facilities and see the live and direct use of the Electronic Health Record. This is an annual attraction that enhances the success of the Conference.

7. And if I can’t make it, how can I attend?

Fernando Plazzotta: The events will also be broadcast virtually via the Elluminate platform. To access the feed, visitors have to register for the Conference online, and will then be given access to virtual classrooms where they will be able to see and hear the whole event. Those who can’t attend the whole thing will also be able to find recordings on our web page when the Conference has finished.

8.  How many people are you expecting to attend?

Analía Baum: At last year’s event, we had more than 700 people registered with 208 attending in person and 533 people from various different countries who took part virtually.

9.  How many speakers will share their experiences?

Damian Borbolla: We will have seven leading members of the American Association of Medical IT, 2 representatives of the European Union and 20 guests from the region, representing Venezuela, Brazil, Uruguay, Chile, and 15 from Argentina.

10. Will there be workshops that offer practical educational opportunities or will the speeches be more theoretical?

Daniel Luna: This year, in contrast to last year, we have reduced the number of workshops because the number of regional experiences has increased and we thought it would be interesting to give people an opportunity to share them.

Fernando Campos: As I mentioned before, there will be the usual HL7 certification workshops and an Information Technology Project Management Workshop which was requested by visitors last year.

11. What prior training should I have to take full advantage of the Conference?

Analía Baum: There’s no special requirement except for an interest in the subject, the only point to make is that one will need to know English to hear the speakers from the USA because a simultaneous translation won’t be available.

12. What issues will be addressed for the first time?

Fernán González Bernaldo de Quirós: I think that the rise in Consumer Health Informatics will bring up new contemporary issues such as mHealth and personal health portals, but rather than introducing new topics into the discipline this event should continue to foster a space for the promotion of digital agendas in the region, providing encouragement to those who haven’t yet taken the first step on the path to the computerization of healthcare systems.

More information:  http://www.hospitalitaliano.org.ar/infomed/index.php?contenido=ver_curso.php&id_curso=13191#.UKaQwuQsB8E

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