Zacatecas Healthcare Services (SSZ) Honored for its TeleHealth Program


The congress, which included the involvement of 14 countries from Latin America was organized by the Inter-American Development Bank and overseen by the World Health Organization and the Pan-American Health Organization. Experts in Telemedicine shared their experiences and good practice in the field in their different regions, reaching some of their most vulnerable areas.  

This year 2340 teleconsultations were given in Zacatacas, said the head of the SSZ, Raúl Estrada Day, to give an idea of the extent of their activities, which allow patients to avoid transport to their care.

He explained that the framework of the State Development Plan 2010-2016 included the State Telehealth project as one of its fundamental pillars, offering different resources including psychiatric, dermatological and pediatric services, as well as tele-radiology and tele-education services.  

Estrada Day made a special point of referring to the achievements of remote psychiatric care between General Jerez Hospital and the Specialized Mental Health Hospital in Calera.  

With regard to tele-radiology, the technological structure of the SSZ makes it possible for patients at the body’s 5 general hospitals to be treated with the latest technology.

He noted that x-rays are no longer lost as they are backed up on the system and can be examined from any of the hospital units.

The academic aspect is also important as GPs and specialists at the institution receive ongoing training via tele-education links in the country and with 7 other countries in Latin America.

This Telehealth structure won the body the award for best practice in Latin America with Raúl Estrada congratulating the staff involved in the program.

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