Center for the Storage of Electronic Health Records Developed

Historia clínica electrónica (HCE)

The Fund for Science and Technology (Fincyt), together with a private company, have brought about the development of a computer platform for the Center for Storage of Electronic Heath Records, in order to contribute to better quality medical care for patients at hospitals and clinics around the country.

The Center will make it easier to consult patients’ clinical and medical information, and represents a major time-saving for patient procedures and consults, and will also save the State an estimated 80 million dollars a year.

The system’s development was made possible by an investment of 100 thousand dollars from Fincyt and the support of the international company Lolimsa, the leading medical technology computerization company in Peru, which invested 300 thousand dollars.

According to Rolando Liendo, a representative of Lolimsa, the storage center will help hospitals and clinics to adapt rapidly to the law recently approved by Congress as long as the formats for electronic health record storage and medical transfer data meet the international standards used by the data center.

The law, unanimously approved by Congress, mandates the use of electronic health records in the country’s hospitals within a period of no greater than five years.

“It is estimated that within the first year after the law comes into effect, between 20 and 30 hospitals and clinics will be totally interconnected and make use of the system,” he predicted.

Liendo believes that the participation of the private sector will be fundamental in accelerating the use of the electronic health record.


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