EHAS Receives the Donation of a GMV Telemedicine Platform


The Enlace Hispano Americano de Salud Foundation (EHAS) and the company GMV have signed an international agreement to improve healthcare in rural and isolated areas in developing countries through the use of ICTs. With this initiative they are seeking to optimize patient management and monitoring capacities.

To achieve this, the multinational will donate its Antari Primary Care platform, an eHealth solution that combines conventional and remote medical practices in the Primary Healthcare Environment.

According to GMV, this will provide an alternative for offering high quality healthcare services to isolated and underserviced populations, as it includes organization, management and resource location features.

EHAS, which is currently involved in developing healthcare projects in Guatemala, Colombia and Ecuador, will start to use the eHealth platform on a maternity-infant program in Rio Napo, Peru.

Antari Primary Care will allow professionals to perform remote diagnosis as they will be able to share and manage clinical information in a flexible and intuitive manner via an Electronic Health Record module.  

Source: EHAS

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