HIMSS12 Twitter recap: Mostashari keynote


Mostashari: «»across all communities there are gaps in care, surprising for a health person»» #HIMSS12

Mostashari says making sure small care practices arent left behind is a key goal #HIMSS12

Mostashari: «»we’ve made more progress with EHRs in the past 2 years then we have in 20″» #HIMSS12

Mostashari: extsn centers have worked with 130,000 primary care docs on #HIT, including 70% of rural docs #HIMSS12

Mostashari: «»we need interoperability and exchange.»» #HIMSS12

By 2014 every EHR will be able to generate records for all patients – Mostashari «»massive river flowing of health it»» #HIMSS12

There is a massive change underway. We need health tools in order to change -Mostashari #HIMSS12

Making meaningful use of meaningful use is essential. Quality matters. -Mostashari #HIMSS12

We have a responsibility to the community of our patients – Mostashari #HIMSS12

Patients now have the tools at their fingertips. What was so difficult back then, isn’t now. -Mostashari #HIMSS12

Technology is the unique promise that tomorrow will be better, cheaper and easier – Mostashari #HIMSS12

Mostashari: «»Rural providers still face barriers. They need to be able to exchange info on the other side»» #HIMSS12

Mostashari: Use of cellphones among people 65+ now is higher than rate for any age group 5 yrs ago. #HIMSS12

«»change takes time, innovation and sustained will. We are on the right track.»» -Mostashari #HIMSS12

Source: Healthcare IT News

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