“In the future everyone will be recognized on a digital certification system. Our job in this context is to provide a professional card with a chip so that doctors can join the new wave,” explained CFM President, Luiz Roberto d’Avila.
CFM’s initiative must include especially professionals who already have need of digital certification.
Zafalon Gerson Martínez, a member of the Healthcare Information Technology Department at CFM and an advocate for the resolution which establishes the digital document – approved in a plenary session in February – said that, aware of the complexity of the issue and in order to establish guidelines, standards and regulations, in 2002, CFM established an agreement with the Brazilian Society of Healthcare Information Technology (SBIS). The published regulations were the result, including CFM Resolution 1.821/2007, the Electronic Health Record System Certification Manual and now the resolution establishing the Digital CRM. “CRM is a digital smart card which meets the compulsory technical specifications of the National Institute of Information Technology (ITI),” he explains.
Ecological Vision: The use of electronic health records which do not require paper will, apart from reducing the use of natural resources and waste, make it possible to rationalize procedures, making them easier to read and improving precision and accuracy amongst other advantages. This is what the first secretary of the PCM and coordinator of the media and information technology departments, Desiré Carlos Callegari, made clear: “The electronic health record issue will undoubtedly speed up procedures and also help with the ecology issue, removing the need for paper and thus ensuring that we are part of a growing global awareness about the need to protect the environment.”
Optional: Adherence to the new document system will be optional. The current identity cards, introduced in 2007 by CFM Resolution 1827, will gradually be substituted and continue to be valid for anyone who does not replace them with the digital CRM.
Those who opt for the digital CRM can decide whether to activate the chip or not (thus deciding whether to opt in to the digital certificate technology) and which registry authority (AR) to use. Some examples are VeriSign, Caja and Serpro Serasa.
If the chip is not activated, the card will not have the technological resource of digital certification but it will work as a durable professional identification document that is more difficult to forge.
A cooperation agreement between CFM and CEF led to a very competitive price in comparison with market rates for obtaining digital medical certification. This is one of the options, attractive for its value and capillarity box, but any professional certification can be chosen.
Card: So that doctors will better understand the key concepts of Software and Digital Certification, CFM and SBIS have prepared an educational handout. It will provide the medical profession and other interested parties with an overall vision of the Electronic Health Record, Digital Certification, Electronic Documents and the rules for a 100% digital (paperless) record.
Source: CFM -Conselho Federal de Medicina