Doctors at the HIAE spend a portion of their time moving around the hospital with very busy schedules between surgeries, emergencies and consultations with their patients. To provide quality care to their patients, the hospital’s medical staff needed to have the ability to quickly access up-to-date patient information and hospital records, regardless of where they’re working.
But having remote access to information was just one challenge. They also needed to find a way to manage the privacy of patient information and records handled by HIAE’s accredited medical staff. Healthcare institutions handle high volumes of sensitive information; HIAE itself processes large amounts of laboratory tests, records lab exam results, tracks the medical history of each patient and maintains a log of patient prescriptions.
“Doctors rarely have time to sit at their desks, so we needed an innovative solution that would allow them to easily get their surgery schedules and patient information while moving in and out of the hospital,” said Sergio Arai, CIO of Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein.
The solution
HIAE, together with their partner MTM Tecnologia, developed Einstein Mobile – a custom mobile application to give physicians access to the hospital’s information management system using BlackBerry® smartphones.
Physicians with a BlackBerry® Internet Service (BIS) data plan from any carrier can request access to the application often without needing technical support from the hospital’s IT staff. The doctors are provided with a URL and step-by-step instructions to download and install the application directly to their BlackBerry smartphones. When they log into the online system for the first time, they must register their BlackBerry smartphone by entering the unique PIN number. Once the PIN is verified, they have access to the hospital’s information management system through the Einstein Mobile application.
Einstein Mobile allowed doctors to obtain important patient information that was divided into the following modules:
• Patient Module: For accessing patient information, contact details, account information and medical treatment history;
• Test Module: For viewing classified lab test results;
Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein (HIAE) is a modern healthcare institution in Latin America, located in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Founded in 1971, HIAE employs approximately 4,000 qualified physicians, more than 8,000 employees and has seven hospital facilities. HIAE provides medical services in oncology, cardiology, neurology, orthopedics and transplants.
• ICD 10: For accessing the International Classification of Diseases (ICD), an online database that classifies diseases and health concerns;
• Medical Charts: Data from medical charts and observations made by other physicians (only those authorized for disclosure)
The Einstein Mobile solution was also designed to locate patient’s medical charts by telephone number. For example, if a physician receives a call from one of their patient’s on their BlackBerry smartphone, the system recognizes the contact information for that patient and locates their medical chart and files, giving the physician almost instant access to the patient’s information.
Source: BlackBerry