Over 200 Medical Technology Supply Companies to Take Part in ExpoHospital 2012


 International companies from countries including the United States, Sweden, Denmark, Belgium, Pakistan and France have already confirmed that they will attend.

Attendees are expected to include representatives of hospitals, clinics, mutual healthcare organizations, diagnostic centers, professional schools and members of the academic world.

This second edition is expected to have 30% more public and private healthcare exhibitors compared to the first expo.

The show will feature a Business Area to facilitate commercial networks through scheduled meetings between exhibitors and visitors.

ExpoHospital 2012 will also include the 2nd Chilean International Healthcare Meeting (EISACH), which will feature presentations from top specialists and members of the public sector led by authorities from the Health Ministry, professional schools, private bodies and leaders from the academic world such as the Andrés Bello Public Health Institute, UNAB, EISACH’s academic partner, and universities which form part of the academic advisory committee, with a total estimated attendance of four thousand five hundred sector professionals who will take part in a varied program to be held over 7 themed days. Héctor Sanchez, Director of the Andrés Bello Public Health Institute, UNAB, who helped to organize EISACH 2012, says that “Among the important issues faced by the sector today are service quality and healthcare reform; explicit guarantees that the healthcare system and the country must provide to the population, the progress of which must be examined and analyzed.” Sánchez explains that seven years after the reforms were begun it is important to find out the status of GES – Explicit Healthcare Guarantees – and their current level of development, for which purpose experts and authorities in the sector are being questioned. And he makes the point that as a consequence of aging and the change in the epidemiological profile, another relevant problem is the explosion of costs in the Chilean healthcare system, an explosion which almost every country in the world is also experiencing to a greater or lesser extent. “Finally,” he says, “there is a key factor which should be addressed and that is inequities in financing and the population’s access to healthcare and, in that context, necessary reforms will be assessed.” For his part, Rubén Gennero, a consultant for the Industrial Association of Pharmaceutical Laboratories, Asilfa, emphasizes that another of the issues to be explored at EISACH 2012, is sustainability in medication costs in Chile, taking into account that “the generic drugs which are included in the Institute of Public Health (ISP) cannot be accessed by the public sector, so there is a need for a new policy in line with the authority’s discourse that would guarantee quality generic medicines and rational spending on them, and that considers bio-equivalence, to which we are wholly committed, to be a fundamental initiative.” ExpoHospital is sponsored by the Chilean Government through the Health Ministry, Fonasa and the Superintendent’s Office of Healthcare, Clinics of Chile A.G., the Association of Private Clinics and Healthcare Providers A.G., the Medical College of Chile; the Nurses’ College of Chile and the Chilean College of Dental Surgeons.

Further Information can be found at: www.expohospital.cl

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