Everis Develops a Tele-rehabilitation Platform for Patients with Brain Damage


A business consortium made up of the companies Everis Spain, Bienetec, Nisa NeuroRHB, Previ, Inscanner and LabHuman will soon begin work on the TEREHA technology project which was recently approved by the administrative council of the Center for Industrial Technology Development (CDTI). The objective will be the worldwide launch of a new integral motor, cognitive and psychological tele-rehabilitation platform for patients with brain damage. The TEREHA platform will consist of three modules for motor, cognitive and psychological rehabilitation. The first two will be controlled by the patient and will use virtual rehabilitation systems via games which help to improve the patient’s skills and abilities. Meanwhile, the psychological module will be controlled by both the patient and family members, providing them with support via forums, psychological interventions, and treatment guidelines. Overall, the TEREHA application will try to improve individual clinical monitoring of patients with brain damage by providing new monitoring solutions and helping the patient to adapt to their environment, as the patient’s progress can be followed from their own home.

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